lunes, octubre 16, 2006


Bio Hazard, 2006. Corn, rice and beans. 4m diameter.

The 30th of August the exhibit ALTERIDADES at the Jakob Karpio Gallery was opened to the public. This was my Solo exhibit of 2006. I presented three pieces and a video. I had the honor to share space with Carlos De Paz, an spanish artist mostly dedicated to painting. Isabel Rubio and Yamil de la Paz also exhibited their work. All of my pieces were made of rice, beans and corn, the basic diet of most Latin American and Caribbean countries, which are presentely being genetically modified.

sábado, octubre 14, 2006


Last thursday the openning of Pejibaye pal Vigoron, took place at the Museo de Arte y Diseno Contemporaneo (MADC) in San Jose.
Artists from Spain, Nicaragua and Costa Rica got together for this event where difference was celebrated.
I presented my piece Forsalismo a word derived from For Sale. This was mostly made of cement and grass. 4 meters diameter.

Spain Antoni Miralda, Montse Guillén, Marc Taeger, Gabriel Torres, Nina Pawlowsky, Biel Capllonch, Pep Duran. Costa Rica
Joaquín Rodríguez del Paso, Maria Amalia Pendones, Lucia Madriz, Rolando Castellón, Roberto Lizano , Federico Herrero , José Alberto Hernández. Nicaragua Alicia Zamora, Oscar Raúl Rivas Larios, Ernesto Salmerón, Rolando Castellon.

For more info on this exhibit check

Landings 3

Red Alert, 2006. Beans, corn and rice. 4m diameter.

Last July Landings* 3 took place at the Centro Leon in Santiago de los Caballeros, Republica Dominicana. It was an amazing experience thanks to the professionalism of Sarah Hermann, Angela Garcia and the members of this institution. They count with an important data base center for Caribbean and Central American Art, and they keep growing.

The Landings team worked hard and was very please to meet again... we will have Landings 4 in my country at the MADC in March 2007. I will let you know!

*Landings is a long term project conceived and directed by the Joan Duran. It consists of 10 exhibits in different countries with artists from Central America and the Caribbean. If you want more info about Landings check